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Revenge Will Come! [RwC]

Creation Date: 2009-Dec-06
Total Members: 13 Player(s)

Rank Player Name Joined Last Online
chieftain [RwC]_LongMan 2010-Mar-09 3530 days, 1 hour
shaman _Freeze 2012-Mar-03 3946 days, 23 hours
shaman tirety 2010-Sep-04 4284 days, 10 hours
shaman PUBMASTER_ZYAMA 2010-Sep-05 4792 days, 14 hours
grunt mOs1k 2012-Jun-14 3845 days, 19 hours
grunt NoBody[SaD] 2012-Sep-09 4284 days, 9 hours
grunt ApJI_[o_O] 2010-Aug-24 4757 days, 21 hours
grunt [RwC]emotion 2010-Apr-22 4791 days, 21 hours
peon Aurora_in_Fly 2010-Aug-29 4443 days, 23 hours
peon [Judge]YourFear 2011-Mar-12 4772 days, 20 hours
peon [rwc]_exp3rt 2010-Sep-19 4887 days, 10 hours
peon [RwC]RC 2010-May-30 4908 days, 19 hours
peon Channel_21_view 2010-Mar-11 5182 days, 16 hours